Tag Archives: youth pill

SENSORY DEPRIVATION IN AN IMMERSION TANK – and how it relates to the science technothriller, A REMEDY FOR DEATH

A while back, I posted here on how author Michael Crichton used an immersion tank to jump-start his idea factory.

That post on immersion tanks drew a lot of clicks, so I thought I’d offer you a long sample from my science technothriller, A REMEDY FOR DEATH –particularly, the section in which Dr. Doug Dalby, a brain researcher, tries out sensory deprivation at a shadowy clinic hidden away in the spooky mountains of central Europe.

How do the immersion tanks and  hyperbaric oxygen treatments relate to what’s going on at the Hauenfelder Clinic and why it’s being supported by a cabal of really, really rich old guys? Well, if you really want to know, then I hope you’ll read the book.

(And, by the way, while this clinic is fictional, I suspect the reality may not be so far away–rich old (and not so old) folks have it good this time ’round, and are not eager to leave it all behind.  See the archive of my posts on this blog.)

Here’s the link to that free sample, and how to order the book via Amazon: To buy A REMEDY FOR DEATH via Amazon as pbook or ebook

Also, here’s the link to my post “Michael Crichton and how he used an immersion tank to jump-start his ideas: __________

Have a heart? Don’t let it break. Now they can recycle it!

I came on an intriguing article in MIT Technology Review, “Transplant surgeons revive hearts after death.”

These days, we’re familiar with heart transplants from brain-dead patients into others needing a new, healthy heart.

But in a new experimental breakthrough, successes have been achieved in transplanting the hearts of those not brain dead. Yes, there are procedural and ethical issues involved.

Mind you, this involves actual human hearts, not 3-D printed replacements, or bits of heart tissue grown in labs from human stem cells.

But the possibility raises some issues of medical ethics to be explored: if the donor is not brain dead, when and by what criteria can the heart be removed?

Rather than dig in deeply here, I’ll refer you to the article itself. You’ll see a “reanimated” donated heart actually beating outside the bodies of both donor and recipient.  Here’s the link.

“Are myths about the rejuvenating powers of young blood true?””– from Aeon

The article raises this question: “Are myths about  the rejuvenating powers of young blood true?”

The answer, as I discern it from this and other literature: Definitely yes and no.

Not long ago here we posted about some research in Lund, Sweden attempting to rejuvenate blood (of mice) by reprogramming stem cells.  Link to that post and the article on rejuvenating blood    The broader topic there, of course, is the search for methods of achieving radical life extension.

My point is that the idea of recapturing youth by somehow rejuvenating via young blood is very new– witness the Swedish research.  But it is also very old, as recounted in this article in the Briish AEON, which begins way back in the myths of ancient times and carries through to what’s happening now. Oh yes, vampires are covered in it, as well.  Here’s the link to that AEON article

(This post originally appeared on another of my sites: www.A-Remedy-for-Death.com  That site  was my author’s research blog for the medical science techno-thriller A REMEDY FOR DEATH   

(It is still active, though I am gradually moving the posts over to this new site, MichaelMcGaulley.net, which includes background information for Remedy and  all of my other technothrillers.

Special sample: how sensory deprivation immersion tanks fit into the plot of the technothriller, A REMEDY FOR DEATH

Here’s your free sample drawn from my science technothriller, A REMEDY FOR DEATH.  Note: this special sample does not pick up at the beginning of the story, but rather focuses specifically on how sensory deprivation immersion tanks work in the plot.

Click to enter that special world: A REMEDY FOR DEATH— how sensory deprivation immersion tanks fit into the story

Mr. Putin visits “youth pill” lab in Russia. Better he should read the science technothriller, A REMEDY FOR DEATH

In the article, “Immortal Vladimir Putin? Russian leader visits anti-ageing pill factory,” The London Daily Star reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin recently toured a St. Petersburg lab working on anti-aging pills.

That lab is Biocad, reportedly  “Russia’s leading biotechnology company.”

Of the work on the “youth pill”, one of the scientists, Alexander Karabelsk, said, “We are expecting the first results within a year.”

Apparently Mr. Putin and Dr. Karabelsk have not had the opportunity to read the prescient science technothriller, A REMEDY FOR DEATH, as that offers a very different method for life extension and the anti-aging process. (Full disclosure: A REMEDY FOR DEATH was also written by the humble author if this blog-post, Michael McGaulley.)

Here’s the link to the Daily Star article:   http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/573191/Vladimir-Putin-russian-leader-visits-anti-ageing-pill-factory  (Caution: this article should only be viewed by those age 65 and  older, as it abuts on other stories and photos relating to young British women who have apparently misplaced parts of their bathing costumers.)

Want to start reading a free extended sampler of A REMEDY FOR DEATH?    
