Tag Archives: people skills

“The secrets of the ‘high-potential’ personality”: From BBC.COM

The article asks, “Are there six traits that could really mark out your potential to achieve?”  I won’t detail them here; best to read the full article, which I found well-worth the time.

Key take-away: For a good many years the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has been more or less the norm.  Now there’s a new contender, the High Potential Trait Inventory (HPTI), based around six key traits.

Here’s the article: http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20180508-the-secrets-of-the-high-potential-personality

Here’s the link to the BBC story: Secrets of the high-potential personality 


This checklist is from  my book, How to Ask the SMART QUESTIONS for Winning the Games of Career and Life

Checklist: Spotting the important judges

  • Who are the important judges of how well I’m doing my job? Why are they the key judges, and not others?
  • What criteria are they using to judge me and my contribution?
  • Are these the most appropriate measures? If not, what should be the criteria be, and how can I “educate” them to recognize and judge by the criteria that are truly important?
  • Are the apparent judges the truly important judges? For instance, is my outside client a more important judge than my supervisor? If not, what should I do about it?
  • If I am locked in with inappropriate judges, is there a way to bypass them and get the attention of ones who are more appropriate—or more open to me?
  • Overall, what are the practical implications for me?

5 SMART steps in responding to tough questions and objections

51sp1GCwdZL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_If you’re making a presentation, or even just sitting in a one-on-one meeting, and someone throws out a question, or even an objection, it seems only natural to respond directly to it.

But that’s not always the best approach, for a variety of reasons. First, you may not really understand the point they are raising (for that matter, the other person may not themselves really understand the issue they are raising). If you respond, more or less blindly, then you may fail to address the issue; worse, you may open up other issues.